Thriving Under Uncontrollable Circumstances

3 Things I am happy about:

  • Learning to play the piano
  • Running 3.5 Miles Again
  • My friends wedding past Saturday

I have been M.I.A. for the past several months because summer break, school, and work.  I have recently been challenge with a sleep condition that effects millions of people that I can’t really control =P. But luckily there are treatments available. One treatment is simply loosing weight. As part of my Five F’s of Life, Fitness is critical because if you can’t take care of yourself, how can you take care of others.  Go watch Folks Over Knives. It will really challenge you on what you eat.

I am happy to comment that I am about to help challenge and keep my friends accountable to their dreams and commitments. I am meeting with one of my friends tonight to help her start a path to victory on her life.


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Work Life Balance

3 Thing I am happy about:

  • Pool Parties
  • Watching movies
  • Helping friends

For the last 1.5 months I have been challenged with work life balance. I have been completely unbalance, but recovering now by hanging out with friends and catching up with family!

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Empty Promises

3 Things I am happy for:

  • Warm Weather
  • My church group
  • Air Conditioning

We spoke about “Empty Promises” at church today. Everyday we have someone teaching their kids that if you do ‘X’, then you will get ‘Y’. The problem with this statement is that it doesn’t always hold true. We must challenge and evaluate our thoughts in order to see beyond the cliche associated…


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Elections & Jobs

3 Things I am happy about:

  • Being able to help friends find jobs
  • Ability to create my own cloud
  • Beautiful Weather to run in

Quick post today. I have been busy working and just got a new roommate. Life is really busy with school and balancing life in general. I have been to two weddings and help a friend get engage in the last three weeks!

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Easter Sunday

3 Things I am happy about:

  • Donating to the Ballet & Siloam
  • Running 1.5 miles
  • Help my friend with a wedding proposal

This coming Saturday my friend will proposal to his girlfriend. It’s going to be great to see this event in their lives because I help put them together. But the most important thing is that I got a chance to make an impact on my friend’s life.

For Easter Sunday, I am bringing one of my friends along to my church. We’ll see….God’s Grace is Amazing =)


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Warm Winter…

Three things I am happy about:

  • Visiting my family
  • Seeing my friends
  • Going to my friends wedding

I spent the weekend in Ft. Lauderdale. It’s especially warmer than usual in Florida. I met up with a few of my friends who still live in Ft. Lauderdale. Where does the time go? My friends’ kids are growing up so fast! I spent the morning on the beach. I miss the beach because I miss the sunshine and smell of the ocean. The air seems always crisper on the beach. Later that afternoon, I attended another one of my friend’s wedding. They had an awesome wedding. They made a mini brochure about their wedding party and their family.  My dance skills finally paid off =) The only regret is I wish I picked it up sooner. I was able to dance with a few people and not even worry about it. My parents also found a stray dog this weekend too. I wish I can spend more time with my family and friends instead of moving from one moment to the next….

What is time worth to you?


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Why do we not follow our dreams?

Several Things I am happy about:

  • Bought a friend hot chocolate other night
  • Learned how to flip a girl in swing dancing
  • Gave a generous tip to a waitress
  • Gave a stranger a ride home
  • Watched a really good movie, John Carter
  • Inspired by my friend to follow my dreams

I haven’t blogged in a few days, but I am happy to say a lot has happen. One of my many mentors have challenge me to really find my passion. I have spent the last decade trying to get better skills while I should find my passion. I have to say it’s not easy. I am talented in many ways, but I need to focus. My enemy is complacency, but my answer is discipline and focus.

I was praying and watching TED and found this great video.

Hopefully it will encourage or at least entertain you!

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Hardship with Money

3 Things I am happy about:

  • Amazing Weather for a walk
  • Coffee to keep you awake
  • Teriyaki sauce to make Tofo taste yummy

Had another tough conversation with my family concerning balancing budgets. Although the “Great Recession”is technically over, there are still many people including my family that are still struggling with their income or lack of income. I know you can get retrain, but when someone is close to the retirement age, does it make sense? I think through this ordeal I have learned to be closer with my family and force them to manage money even better. It’s a very hard lesson, but it’s one that must be learnt early.

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Tornados Again

3 Things I am happy about:

  • Running after it rains
  • Mexican Food
  • Planning Fun Trips

There were several tornadoes that hit the U.S. again. Several people were killed because of  “Acts of  God”. I know there is nothing I can say will bring comfort to their families right now. But I did pray for them and their families.  I know we have problems in the US. But I also know there are problems outside of the country. Let’s not forgot about the starving kids, human traffic victims, etc… too.

But let’s start with one city at a time….

Something to listen too:

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Average Day

3 Things I am happy about:

  • I sent my friend a bday present
  • Got my car wash thru automatic machine
  • Able to get a plane ticket at the last minute

I feel really bless that I can afford to go to my friend’s wedding and help them out. I did a lot of planning for the next 6 months with various trips to balance out my life. I know it’s hard because I am currently studying for finals. But when will be a better time than now?

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