Random Act of Kindness

3 Things I am happy about:

  1. Happy I met some new people at JAST
  2. Figured out how to transfer movies finally in iTunes
  3. Follow through on the random act of kindness

I received this tag on facebook from a friend of my mine concerning “The Happy Secret to Better Work”

“my friend, Tuan Ta, sent this to me, because he is the best… and i wouldn’t live my life any other way.”

I sent her the post yesterday because I thought she would appreciate it. She did!

I am truly getting the benefits of trying the process. I was able to focus more than ever on work and yet get other stuff done too. I struggle a little bit with the random act of kindness portion, but I found at least two. One was just praying for a friend’s problem with another friend and buying a drink for a friend.

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